Then Lon Starr’s family moved to Houston, Texas. Meanwhile, Chet Arre remained in small town Wisconsin. At the annual holiday family reunions, they love to gab about their wrestling glory days and catch up on the changes in their lives. But one “change” topic, namely climate change, was off limits. They once tussled over that topic, and it almost ruined their friendship. “Well, at least it’s not happening yet,” was Lonny’s final remark.
The next year, 2011, Lonny told about the severe drought back home in Texas. “You can drop a penny 8 ft. down into cracks in the parched soil. It’s the driest and 2nd hottest year on record!” Later, Cousin Sally happened to make a comment about the changing climate. “Well, at least it’s not happening yet,” Lonny mumbled as he quickly changed the subject.
Chet’s family brought their new dog to the 2013 reunion. “Yeah, we had to take Lucy to the vet because a deer tick bit her, and she got Lyme disease. Can’t believe those ticks are still around this late in the fall.” Later, during the evening news broadcast, one segment mentioned climate change. “Well, at least it’s not happening yet,” Lonny muttered as he left the room.
In 2015 Houston was drenched with a “500 year” flood. The same thing happened in 2016 causing Lonny’s flight to be delayed. “Aren’t those supposed to happen on average once every 500 years?” Chet asked when Lonny finally arrived. Apparently not anymore, because Hurricane Harvey flooded Lonny’s home this past year – another “500 year” flood.
That evening when Aunt Ethel was paging through the daily paper Lonny eyed the lead article referring to recent climate change research. It said to expect more droughts, an increase in vector-borne (bug carried) diseases, and more extreme weather events. “Well,” Lonny said, “at least it’s not happening… huh, maybe it is. I guess I need to wrestle a bit more with the evidence because we need to protect the only home we’ll ever know where we’re forever… Earthbound.”