Wanda could hardly contain herself! She’d heard that Uncle IRA was in town with loads of money to dole out. She knew her neighbor, Penny Smart, kept her eye on these things, so she invited Penny to tea.
“Why Wanda Knowmor!” Penny gushed, “it’s so kind of you to invite me. Land’s sake! Wait until you hear what I found out about Uncle IRA – (the Inflation Reduction Act). I learned all about him on something called the CleanEnergy.gov website.” “Mercy!” Wanda said as she poured Penny a second cup of tea. “Do tell!”
“Well,” Penny began, “you always hear me say, if you want to save money, get more efficient. So finding the places in your home that are inefficient is the first thing to do. Uncle IRA agrees. He’s got money and tax credits to give out, but to be able to use many of these benefits, you first have to have an energy audit done on your home.”
“What’s an energy audit?” Wanda asked. “Good question,” Penny continued. “A team of professionals give your house a sort of ‘energy health check-up’ to find air leaks, weather stripping and insulation gaps, inefficient appliances and such. Then you get a report listing the least expensive ways to lower your energy costs. It’ll also tell how to get all the tax credits and cash incentives IRA provides. These credits and incentives are really generous. They make many energy improvements practically free! But the key is the energy audit. It opens the door to a whole basketful of savings opportunities!” Penny concluded. “That’s all very exciting,” Wanda sniffed, “but it sounds complicated and expensive to do this audit thing.”
“Honestly,” Penny leaned in and lowered her voice, “here’s a little secret; folks in Iowa County are getting a special deal. This spring, Iowa County Clean, Local Energy Alliance – Now (CLEA-N) is working with Green Homeowners United. Using the tax credit, folks can get the audit, report and guidance all for less than $250. Even better - for homes heated with propane, it’ll cost less than $100! Just call this guy named Chuck at 608-930-3252 or drop him a note at [email protected] to learn more.”
“Sign me up!” Wanda practically squealed. “I want to save money and be a good steward too because this is our only home. It’s where we’re all forever…Earthbound.”