They stepped into the tidy shop. Behind the counter a kindly, wizened woman stood in front of what appeared to be a huge mainframe computer. “What is this place?” Jess asked. The woman handed him her card. It read: Mythconceptions Busters – Accurate Info.– No BULLarney Ann Serrs, Proprietor. “Now, how can I help?” she asked.
Wanda and Jess looked at each other a moment then Jess blurted out, “Wanda says discarded solar panels will cause a huge trash problem in the future. Is that true?” Ann tapped on the keyboard. The massive machine whirled, lit up, and spit out a document.
“Myth,” announced Ann. “Actually, without a transition to renewable energy sources, future coal ash and oily sludge generated by fossil fuel energy would be 300-800 times greater than solar panel waste.”
Then Wanda said, ”Some say we’re using too much cropland for solar farms.” “Myth,” replied Ann. “If all the solar development needed to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 were on farm land, it would only use about 1% of that acreage. But it won’t all be on crop ground. Besides, a lot of farms grow corn for ethanol. Just one acre of solar panels produces as much energy as 80 – 140A. of corn for ethanol.
“Are wind turbines one of the top causes of bird deaths?” wondered Jess. “That’s another myth.” Ann recited. “Heat waves, fires and other climate change effects are the largest threat to bird populations. Beyond that, for every bird killed by a turbine, cats kill about 12,000 and building glass kills about 3,000.”
Wanda jumped in again. “I heard that electric vehicles (EVs) aren’t really much more environmentally friendly than fossil fuel vehicles. Really?” “Just a myth,” Ann confirmed. “When you add up all the greenhouse gases in the production, use and disposal of vehicles, average gas guzzlers produce 3-4 times more emissions than EVs.”
“Thanks!” Wanda smiled. “What do we owe you?” “No charge,” Ann winked. “Just help me bust myths about creating a cleaner future on our only home. It’s where we’re all forever… Earthbound.”
*2024 Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, Columbia Law School