Soon Al was pouring out his sorrows to Lucy. “I try so hard to help build a healthy environment! For example, I’ve been protesting across the street for a week now. But it seems like no matter how compelling our message is, the politicians just won’t listen,” Al lamented.
“Poor boy,” Lucy patted his hand. “You know, I’m an activist too, and maybe I’ve just been lucky, but my friends and I have actually had some success with our issues. And you know what? I think it’s because we have…” She looked over both shoulders and then lowered her voice. “We have a secret power.” Lucy winked and then whispered, “We vote.”
Well, as you can imagine, Alan burst into a tirade about how just one vote is practically meaningless and blah, blah, blah. Once his rant subsided, Lucy calmly set her smart phone on the bar and said, “Okay Mr. Underdog. Let’s look at your issue.” It only took a brief on-line search to find a promising website. “Let’s see what the Environmental Voter Project* has to say.”
What they found was startling! First, they learned that many environmentalists work diligently on issues but never bother to actually vote. Almost 16 million of them didn’t cast a ballot in the 2014 election! Most amazing of all was why, as a voter, Lucy has “secret sway.” When Lucy votes, it becomes public record that she’s done so. If she votes again, she becomes a “likely voter.” Consider this - if politicians want to get re-elected, the ONLY citizens they care about are “likely voters.” In 2016 polling, “likely voters” ranked climate change / environmentalism only 15th out of 19 issues. But if those other 16 million folks became “Likelies” that ranking would climb dramatically and politicians would take notice.
Lucy Likely’s secret sway over politicians is no secret at all; it’s simply THE basic tenet of a democracy. So, VOTE like our lives depend on it because they do, here on our only home where we’re forever…Earthbound.