For example, the Bluefellas were quite concerned about attacks by an ogre known as Clymdra. * They pointed to the increase and severity of forest fires and floods, evidence of Clymdra’s mischief. She also spread warm weather diseases, insects, and other nasty creatures - a real nuisance. “We can’t keep ignoring her!” the Bluefellas cried.
“Nonsense,” many Reddys retorted, “sure Clymdra is lurking about. But we’ve had threats like her before. And who knows? Maybe she’ll just go away. We can’t be wasting our resources on something we probably can’t do anything about anyway.” And on it went. When it came to the topic of Clymdra, the Reddys and the Bluefellas usually just shouted past one another. It was a mess!
One day, Will Bendabit and Wanda Middleway, old friends from opposing families who were good at seeing things from the other’s point of view, were ambling along the stream path when this very topic came up. “This bickering about Clymdra is wearisome,” Wanda moaned. “If she really is a threat, the village needs a plan.”
“But how will we ever get the Bluefellas and the Reddys to agree?” Will wondered aloud. Suddenly Wanda stopped, “Hmm…I’ve got an idea. Come on!” she cried.
Soon they found themselves in front of a tiny cottage on the edge of town, home to the village sage, Ima Wizewomann. They poured out their concerns to Ima. Late into the night over steaming cups of tea, the three puzzled over the problem. Slowly, an ingenious plan unfolded.
“So, I’ll meet you both at the village council tomorrow,” Ima winked. “No time to lose! We can’t gamble with the safety of our precious village because it’s the only home we’ll ever know. After all, we’re here forever…Earthbound.”
(Exciting conclusion next time!)
*Clymdra – mythical name for Climate Disruption