Whiz did feel a bit punky, and he knew why. It’s his diet. He gobbles up most anything that’s put in front of him - mostly coal and natural gas. No wonder he belches noxious fumes! Only about 1 in 10 things he consumes is clean renewable energy.
Glancing at his neighbors, Whiz noticed they were quite chipper. He knows they regularly consume more renewable energy than he does. Take Minnie for example, almost a third of her diet is environmentally friendly clean energy.
Whiz shrugged and was about to order his usual when Newt strode in. Trim and buff, Newt Yorkk glided across the room to the end of the counter. “Gosh! He looks healthy,” Whiz thought to himself. “I wonder what’s in his diet.”
Turns out Newt is very particular about what he consumes. He doesn’t just gobble up whatever fuel sources the utilities offer on the menu. Newt has a plan with a goal of using 50% clean power. His energy dinner is based on the REV* (Reforming the Energy Vision) diet.
Whiz watched carefully and saw that Newt’s REV plate includes a balanced mix of centralized and locally distributed electrical generation. Home owners receive financial benefits to either install solar on their homes or to join a neighborhood or area shared renewable energy project. Many homes have their own battery storage and “smart technology” thermostats and devices. With these job-creating 21st century choices in place Newt can avoid the expense and environmental problems of building a new high-capacity electrical transmission grid.
“Golly,” Whiz said to himself, “I didn’t even know something like REV was on the menu!” When the waitress came to take his order, Whiz pointed at Newt and said, “I’ll have what he’s having!”
As he left the diner, Whiz realized that he didn’t have to settle for the same old same old. With a little planning, he could eliminate many of the noxious fumes he belched. Who needs ‘em? Here on our only home where we’re forever…Earthbound.”