The small pale-blue planet, 3rd most distant from its sun, glides soundlessly in its orbit. Its unsuspecting inhabitants innocently carry on with preparations for their mid-winter holiday celebrations. Meanwhile, hovering high above in the atmosphere the evil entity, Destructo, plots his dastardly schemes.
“Nya-a-ah let’s see what kind of destruction I can unleash on these unwary fools,” he slavers. “A month ago it was 2 feet of rain in 48 hrs. in Louisiana and last week devastating fires in the Smoky Mountains. You bet your sweet booty they’re smoky now! Nya-a-ah!”
Destructo’s powers to destroy have intensified dramatically in recent decades. In the ‘80s the U.S. averaged just 2 disasters a year that cost a billion dollars or more each. By the ‘90s and ‘00s it averaged 5 per year then 11 between 2010 and 2015. And today? Twelve (12) billion-dollar-events have taken place in 2016. “The fools! My powers grow daily, yet they continue to feed me. Nya-a-ah!!” Destructo gloats knowing that he’s increased the number of severe storms, floods, and heat waves five-fold since the 1970s.
Still, Earth’s inhabitants continue to supply his seemingly insatiable appetite by pouring greenhouse gases into the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels. These gasses warm the air; warmer air holds more moisture. That combination of heat and moisture creates the perfect conditions for more frequent and more severe storms. On the contrary, in dry climates where little evaporation takes place the additional heat sucks the remaining moister from the ground like in California where it’s estimated that 62 million trees have died from drought in 2016 alone.
Will Destructo’s power and influence continue to rise? Will Earth’s inhabitants have their homes and cities destroyed at an increasing pace? Will the rise of the number of billion-dollar-events empty the pocketbooks and drain the will of the world’s populace???
High in their mountain retreat deep inside an ice cave in Glacier National Park, Team Climate members secretly confer. “Just look at what he’s done,” gasps Marketron. “We can’t let him get any stronger,” Efficination murmurs. “It’s time to take action,” Innovato declares. “Our pledge to the people of the Earth demands it,” agrees Compassionator.
Next time – find out if Team Climate can thwart Destructo’s evil schemes. Godspeed Team Climate! Because this precious place is the only home we’ll ever know. We’re here forever…Earthbound.