“Sniffing out individually dropped seeds on the ground is a nuisance. I used to be able to sit right in the feeder and fill my cheeks. But Jones got clever, and now I’m stuck with the leftovers. I’ll outsmart him yet. Hmm…maybe if I leap from…. “
- Squire Squirrel
“Without the foliage, the view from this perch is pretty sweet. And to think I probably wouldn’t be here if fifty years ago our ground-dwelling benefactors ignored our plight. But they didn’t, and now my family has grown so much that I can visit cousins in nearly every county of this fine state. Thanks guys; I tip my feathery crown to you.” – Ellie Eagle
“January thaw - time for a stroll. Yikes! Not Fritz the farm dog again! I think I’m going to fain…. “ – (The unscathed) Oscar Opossum
“One more row in this cord, and it’ll be my turn. It’s been a great life! One hundred plus years - from acorn to home for creatures in my cracks and hollows to now resting quietly cut, split and dried. I salute you Great Grandpa Jones. You wisely set aside a portion of the farm for my towering friends and me. May we both rest in peace.”
– Omar Oak
Fluttering wings, tail feathers to beak, sideways, bottom side up, catawampus, atwitter. Flitter in, slide off, fill your beak, gone again. – Goldie Finch & Friends at the feeder.
“Blankets of snow and ice, the almost impenetrable peace and security of being frozen into place, the cleansing of my pores of invasive critters and disease, and the nearly total absence of trampling hooves and feet. A brief respite of serenity in preparation for the annual explosion of productivity that is my contribution in helping Jones feed the world.”
– Penelope Pasture
“Already five weeks since old Sol reversed his course from the farthest point south on the horizon; now he’s headed back north. Some humans find it hard to appreciate me at this juncture in the year. But those who are content have found ways to harmonize my cyclical rhythms with the pulse of their lives.” – Samantha Seasons
Iowa County, Wisconsin - a cornucopia of biodiversity and a tribute to our forefathers who nurtured this landscape. May we shoulder our inherited stewardship responsibly because this is the only home we’ll ever know. We’re here forever…Earthbound.