Dear President Trump (Ret.),
I have to admit…just four years ago at your inauguration I was more than a little nervous about your views on the environment. It seemed like the possibilities for a future with a stable climate were as elusive as the inevitable missing black sock on laundry day.
And then… in that unorthodox manner you’re so famous for, you unexpectedly tweeted, “For far too long we’ve ignored the fact that America - along with China, Russia and others - is damaging the climate by the excessive use of fossil fuels. That’s a HUGE mistake. We’re going to fix it and make this country great again.” And those few words made all the difference.
Up until then, many Republicans felt it was political suicide to admit the reality of climate change because it had become tainted as a Democrat issue. But you’re a master at shaking up the status quo. Like magic, with those few words you gave permission to Republicans to own and get credit for a solution. And Voila! - Congress set to work.
But you’ve got to tell me. Where did the inspiration for that tweet come from? Was it the open letter from 48 mayors of major American cities urging you to support the actions they were already taking? Or was it because you’ve always been a sucker for the loving adulation of crowds, and once you realized the great majority (65%) of Americans wanted action on the climate you unleashed a tweet that you knew would make them gush? If not that, could it have been the influence of Rex Tillerson, your Secretary of State? He had actually supported placing a fee on carbon emissions back when he was president of Exxon-Mobile. Hmm…could it be you learned that putting a fee on carbon and distributing that money as a dividend to every American household would actually create jobs and grow the economy? Or was it when you learned that the melting West Arctic Ice Sheet would raise sea levels by 10 ft. ruining all your beachfront properties?
Whatever it was, your tweet was sweet! History will treat you kindly for making a HUGE positive impact toward sustaining a livable planet. Because this really is the only home we’ll ever know. We’re here forever…Earthbound.
Everett E. Mann, Everywhere, USA