Ken nodded in agreement as they flipped off the lights, locked up the church hall, and stepped out to the sultry summer evening. “Whew! Hasn’t cooled down much yet,” Ken remarked. “Those poor folks in the south! Coping with 100+ temperatures day after day! And, you know, the lowest-income folks are the ones who have the hardest time escaping the heat. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could offer them a weekly community dinner in our air-conditioned church hall? I’d be on it in a minute,” Ken I. Dewmorre added.
Later that evening, Wanda gave Ken a call. “I’ve been thinking about what you said, and there IS something we can do; but it’s not fixing food. One way to help others (and us all!) is to help tackle the root cause of this heat - climate disruption. That would help lower the temperature and reduce these kinds of extreme weather events. And everyone can pitch in; it’s not that hard.
“For example, the Interfaith Power and Light website** has a handy link where you can see how large your home’s carbon footprint is compared to the folks in your community. Just click on the Household Calculator button.
“I know… If you’re like me, you’re probably reluctant to even take a look because you think you’ll feel guilty about what the calculation shows. But this isn’t about guilt; it’s about finding out what you’re doing well and how you could do even better. It might just give you an idea about changing a routine or habit.”
Later – “Hey Wanda…it’s Ken. I did the household calculation and found some relatively easy ways we can make a difference at our house. We’re thinking about it as symbolically ‘fixing dinners’ for folks who need a lift. Seems like that lodestar is guiding us toward a more meaningful life,” he smiled. “Because after all, this Earth is the only home any of us will ever know; it’s where we’re all forever…Earthbound.”
*Guiding light