Planted as an expression of love some 70 plus years ago, our willow was a wedding gift to previous owners. It has stood as a welcoming host to all who venture down our drive. But like all of us, time has taken its toll. In recent years as I’ve passed beneath it I’d occasionally wonder how we would ever manage to remove this massive structure once its life had come full circle – an overwhelmingly daunting prospect indeed.
When returning late one night, our headlights revealed a huge willowy mass partially blocking the driveway. Upon inspection the next morning, I discovered that one of the trunks had partially torn free from its base posing a precarious, accident-fraught clean-up challenge. Professional removal would surely be required.
Nevertheless, the bushy, lighter branches needed to be cleared from the driveway quickly, so I set to the task. Once the torn trunk was exposed and re-examined, I discerned that an amateur could actually attempt the entire job with low risk of injury. So with caution and some luck, I was able to drop and dissect the trunk with no loss of life or limb.
This summer’s almost-daily reports of climate disruption’s fires, floods and droughts continually remind us of another overwhelmingly daunting challenge – one far, far greater than a blocked driveway. How will we ever manage to lessen the impact of climate disruption and stabilize the Earth’s ecosystems? This willow escapade may provide some clues: Don’t take on the whole tree at once. Act cautiously but act NOW. Finally, watch for unexpected graces that aid in your efforts.
So take heart. Individuals, businesses and organizations are already working diligently on the climate challenge. And speaking of acting now and unexpected graces - the newly organized Mineral Point High School Earth Wise Club (EWC) aspires to nothing less than “…helping save the planet by implementing sustainable projects and activities that educate, inspire and propel Earth-wise action…”
Go get ’em EWC! Because this is the only home any of us will ever know. It’s where we’re all forever… Earthbound.