So when ’24 assembled his staff the next morning, he began with this sober announcement. “You’ve all read the reports. I’m afraid SOGGY has launched another attack.” A collective gasp spread throughout the room. SOGGY (Sour Grapes and Grumpy Yahoos’) evil goal is to spread depression and disillusionment. It’s a cruel, soul-sucking monstrosity.
When the room quieted, ’24 continued. “Team, we can’t do this on our own. It’s time to bring in the Woman from A.U.N.T!” A spontaneous cheer arose from the team. A.U.N.T., (the Alliance to Undo Negativity Today), is a stealthy international undercover organization whose mission (not unlike Superman’s) is to fight the never-ending battle for truth, justice and the public-spirited way. A.U.N.T.’s highly skilled specialists are trained to combat cynicism and lethargy wherever these foul feelings arise.
Early the next morning, the A.U.N.T operative, Dee Lieght, slipped out of her trench coat and stood before ’24 and his team. “I’ve examined the evidence,” Dee said somberly. “There’s no time to lose. This calls for our most powerful weapon - hope. But no ordinary hope will be sufficient.” Then turning to ’24, she continued, “Sir, we need … ACTIVE hope!” Dee said with a sparkle in her eye.
“Active Hope*,” she explained, “isn’t a thing; it’s a practice. It’s something we DO rather than have. Active Hope involves three key steps. 1. Take a clear view of reality. 2. Identify the direction or value you’d like to promote. And, 3. Take actual steps to move in that direction. Sir, Active Hope will get people out of their lethargic funk, energize them, and propel them toward building the world they want and that we need,” Dee concluded.
“Excellent!” ’24 beamed. “We CAN build a better world, and we must. After all, this is our only home where we’re all forever… Earthbound.”
*Thanks to Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone