“Oh,” Phil beamed, “we don’t sell stuff; we sell savings. Like most folks, you probably spend a boatload of money on heating your home. And, you probably assume it’s too expensive to do anything about it. We’re here to show you that for little or no cost, you can make your home cozier and lower your energy bills at the same time.”
“Oh sure! What are you, some kind of magic shop?” Anita almost laughed. “Not at all,” Phil replied. “It’s simply a matter of smart economics.”
Phil explained that tax credits and rebates from the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act allow moderate to low-income folks to dramatically lower their energy bills for little or no cost. Homeowners can save hundreds of energy dollars through a step-by-step plan to sort of “max-out” the available tax credits and rebates for home improvements one year after the next. Items covered include insulation, over-all weatherizing, window replacement, heat pump heating/cooling systems and much more.
“But the important first step is to get a home energy audit. It’s required to be eligible for many of these offers. The good news is that this spring, Green Homeowners United (GHU) and Iowa County Clean, Local Energy Alliance – Now! (CLEA-N) will provide a professional energy assessment by GHU’s Green Team at the discounted price of $150. But CLEA-N’s funds will cover only a limited number of Iowa County area homes on a first come basis. Contact Chuck* if you’d like to be notified when this offer opens in February.
“The energy assessment will provide homeowners with a comprehensive report on what kinds of improvements would provide the greatest savings for the lowest costs. GHU will explain how to cash-in on state and federal rebates and tax credits,” Phil concluded.
“It’s not magic at all!” Anita smiled, “Lower costs, fewer harmful emissions, greater comfort. We can have it all right here where we’re all forever …Earthbound.”
* [email protected]