“We’re never going to reach our clean energy goals without a huge expansion of the electric power grid,” Wanda Biggstuff stated. “One of the marvels of the 20th century has been the electric grid. It connects centralized power generation facilities and distributes the energy where it’s needed. Now, we just need to make it bigger!” argued Biggstuff. “We’ll expand the system and swap out the fossil fuel generators for clean energy sources.”
“Girl, you’re living in the past! If you haven’t noticed, we’re well into the 21st century.” countered Dee Versiffie. “Switching to a diversified energy generation, storage and distribution system is the fastest way to reduce our use of greenhouse gas-emitting fuels. And, it’s more secure, creates local jobs, and doesn’t require all that expensive infra-structure.”
Anita listened as the two argued back and forth until finally, “Ladies please! Don’t you think that perhaps you’re both right? Don’t we need both systems?” Anita asked.
“Well yes,” Wanda admitted. “We do need both systems, but here’s the rub. We’ve got to transition away from fossil fuels – and fast! While doing so, one of these systems will surely become the dominate model. And that will set the stage for how we create and distribute energy for decades to come. So it’s critical that we choose wisely.”
“And as we transition, we have to keep in mind both the jobs that will be lost and the new career opportunities it will create,” Dee added. “It’s an exciting time. We can build a new world that gives everyone their fair slice of the pie while we put the brakes on climate change.”
“Golly, it’s hard to decide which way is best,” Anita D’Side declared. “Heaven knows we can’t just keep pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere willy-nilly. So while this gets worked out, each of us needs do our part by finding ways to reduce our energy use RIGHT NOW. Because after all, this is the only home we’ll ever know. It’s where we’re all forever… Earthbound.”