Yagotta Seethis – “Thanks Whayout. As you know, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from burning carbon-based fuels such as petroleum products, coal, and wood along with belching livestock have heated Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. But Earthlings are fighting back. Ordinary citizens, organizations and governmental bodies have sprung into action.”
Whayout Thair – “How so?”
Yagotta Seethis – “For example, a huge transformation is underway in electrical generation. Clean, renewable solar and wind energy is now the least expensive way to generate electricity. Indeed, many residences and businesses generate some or all of their electricity on their own rooftops. Even better, humans are becoming more efficient in their use of energy. They’re using the resources of organizations such as Focus on Energy (focusonenergy.com) to save money and lower GHG emissions. Many feel that lowering energy use is patriotic!
Whayout Thair – “Wow!” Sounds like individuals can make a significant difference right in their own homes. Are there opportunities for those who want to do more?”
Yagotta Seethis – “You bet! Local organizations like the newly formed Iowa County Clean, Local, Energy Alliance – Now (CLEA-N) can use help with projects like its free LED light bulb exchange and its community solar initiative. The local newspaper will soon have more information on how folks can participate. These kinds of community-based programs make it easier for humans to modify their lifestyles to save money and help create a cleaner planet.
Whayout Thair – “You mentioned government involvement. What’s happening on that front?”
Yagotta Seethis – “Earth economists from across the political spectrum agree that a fee charged to the companies that sell carbon-based fuels would be a game-changer. This would incentivize the energy marketplace to transition to clean energy sources. The money collected would be distributed back to the citizens. In the U.S.A. these types of provisions are in a bill labeled H.R. 763. If enacted, greenhouse gas emissions would drop significantly and the economy would grow all without additional government regulations.”
Whayout Thair – “Sounds like members of Team Earthlings are determined to rescue the only home they’ll ever know where they’re forever… Earthbound.”