“It’s been a rough year,” Tu-One admitted. “I’m disappointed that I won’t be heading into retirement with more success on two critical issues – Covid and climate. But here we are still dealing with the omicron virus and no federal legislation concerning the climate.”
Crystal, who had been tending to the tea kettle, handed Tu-One a steaming cup and settled onto the chair across from him. “Well, it’s certainly not been for lack of trying,” Crystal assured him. “Folks across the county and the world have been champions in their work to overcome these challenges. So don’t be too hard on yourself; you’ve set the stage for a brighter tomorrow.”
As Crystal peered into her cup, she continued. “Looks to me that by summer, Covid will be mostly under control. And I see lots of positive steps being taken on the climate issue.” Crystal went on to hint at near future possibilities:
- Federal legislation to clean the air, including a market-based carbon fee that returns dividends to every household and grows the economy may be passed.
- In Wisconsin, a slate of 22 bills aimed at stabilizing the climate, creating green jobs and reducing environmental injustice have already been introduced.
- Businesses, organizations and homeowners are increasingly realizing that installing clean, solar energy is the financially savvy thing to do. For example, Wisconsin public schools currently spend more than $175 million annually on energy. No wonder many are taking advantage of programs like Solar on Schools funded by the Couillard Foundation.
Closing the door, Tu-One caught a glimpse of a chubby, round face peaking around the corner. “By golly,” the old man grinned, “that little scamp Two-oh Tutu has been listening in and already preparing to create a brighter future right here on our only home where we’re all forever… Earthbound.”