“Climate change is one of the principal challenges facing society and the global community. The world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point. What we are presently experiencing is an unusual acceleration of warming. In the last fifty years the temperature has risen at an unprecedented speed. At such a speed, it will take only one generation – not centuries or millennia – in order to verify it. This change in average surface temperatures cannot be explained except as the result of the increase of (human release of) greenhouse gases.
“A low, richer percentage of the planet(’s humans) contaminates more than the poorest 50% of the total world population, and per capita emissions of the richer countries are much greater than those of the poorer ones. (These) effects (are) in the areas of healthcare, sources of employment, access to resources, housing, forced migrations, etc.
“Our care for one another and our care for the earth are intimately bound together. The world that surrounds us is not an object of exploitation, unbridled use and unlimited ambition. A healthy ecology is the result of interaction between human beings and the environment, as occurs in the indigenous cultures and has occurred for centuries in different regions of the earth. We are part of nature, included in it and thus in constant interaction with it. Thus we [do] not look at the world from without but from within.
“We must move beyond the mentality of appearing to be concerned but not having the courage needed to produce substantial changes. Let us stop thinking, then, of human beings as autonomous, omnipotent and limitless, and begin to think of ourselves differently, in a humbler but more fruitful way. A broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact.”
Sanctus Bovis! (Holy Cow!) Pope Francis, is imploring 1.36 billion Catholics worldwide to step up. Our beautiful planet needs each of us to change our relationship with Mother Earth toward one that nurtures all life. After all, this is the only home we’ll ever know. It’s where we’re all forever… Earthbound.