Not surprisingly, talk soon turned to the Covid crisis taking place back on Earth. As a nurse, Florence of course wished she could help relieve the suffering. She recalled the Crimean War when ten times as many soldiers died from disease as from battle wounds. The time was ripe for a renewal in health care practices. By dramatically improving sanitary conditions, Florence helped usher in a new era of health care. In one location these improvements drove the mortality rate down from 43% to 2%!
“And speaking of renewal, it’s the Easter season on Earth,” Pope John beamed. “JC knew a thing or two about renewal! During my time as Pope, I sensed our church was ripe for renewal. We convened the Second Vatican Council to revitalized and modernized the Church.”
Senator Nelson added, “Just 50 years ago on April 22 a group of us realized it was time to renew our commitment to environmental health, so we organized the world’s first Earth Day. Today it’s recognized as the planet's largest civic event,” he proudly reported. “That event led to landmark legislation including the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts.”
Returning from the buffet line, Pope John shared a thought. “This Covid crisis is forcing monumental changes in how humans conduct their daily lives. Changes such as working from home, tele-conferencing and reducing purchases of unneeded ‘stuff’ are very environmentally beneficial. Senator, you’ve told us many times that ‘business as usual’ pitting short-term financial riches with environmental stability inevitably leads to societal failure. What’s that quote of yours? ‘(Healthy) biological systems are THE sustaining wealth of the world.’
“This crisis will surely pass, but the innovation and streamlined practices it has engendered may offer a framework for a healthier, more stable human relationship with Mother Earth,” John concluded.
Looking down through the clouds, Florence nodded in agreement. “These clever humans will surely recognize that the time is ripe for environmentally savvy renewal. Heaven knows, until they join us here, they’ve got to protect this pale blue planet because it’s the only home they’ll ever know. It’s where they’re all forever…Earthbound.