“My diabolical plan is crumbling,” fumed Archie. “I’ve got it! I’ll call my old pal, Rotten Randy Rumor. He’ll know what to do.” The next night the two plotted while slurping steaming troughs full of sewer water stew. “Gotcha covered Archie. I’ve been spreading the rumor for years that doing anything to slow global warming would cost billions. Those gullible humans will never take action!”
Could it be true? Will humankind never take meaningful steps to slow global warming and ocean acidification? Are we resigned to this fate? (Cue the distant bugle call.) But wait! Who’s that riding over the horizon on a white, non-fossil-fueled stallion? Yes, it’s Monty Marketplace, armed only with good old American know-how, come to save the day.
Monty gathered the townspeople together and told them that according to a study by the prestigious Regional Economic Modeling Inc. (REMI) we can both dramatically reduce fossil fuel use AND grow the economy! This would come about not by government regulation but by the magic of the marketplace. A modest, steadily rising fee placed on fossil fuels would generate annual dividend payments to every American. Once it’s clear that fossil fuels will lose their cost advantage entrepreneurs will scramble to find ways to reduce their use and develop alternative energy sources.
The study shows that after 20 years CO2 emissions would drop 50 percent below 1990 levels. Not only that, putting the fees collected into the hands of average Americans, who are likely to spend the money, creates an additional 2.8 million jobs. The marketplace and good old American ingenuity (not government regulations) cleans the air and water, and generates wealth as well!
Monty urged the townspeople to write their legislators asking them to learn more about “Carbon Fee and Dividend” legislation. “There are no longer any excuses.” Monty cried. “Generate the political will. Act now! Because without a healthy planet, we’re homeless. Now and forevermore we’re…Earthbound.”