But it wasn’t her night. The cards just didn’t fall her way no matter who she partnered with. “Hoo-boy! I’m just not having any luck. Maybe it’s a sign. I’ve been pricing some energy efficiency upgrades at my business. But they’re expensive; maybe it’s too risky. I want them to pay for themselves by the time I sell the business and retire.” Dee Veloper lamented.
“What a coincidence! I looked at some energy up-grades at my apartment building too,” Bill Dingowner offered. “Didn’t think I could swing it until I learned about the PACE program. You know about that?” he asked.
“Never heard of it. Tell me.” Dee replied.
Bill went on to explain that PACE stands for Property Assessed Clean Energy, a program that Iowa County participates in. PACE allows a property owner to finance the up-front costs for energy efficiency upgrades in lighting, heating & cooling, insulation and even for adding solar panels. The costs are then paid back over time through a voluntary assessment on the property tax bill. The savings in energy costs are greater than the additional assessment, so the owner comes out ahead right from the start.
And here’s the best part. The assessment is attached to the property rather than to the individual. So if the property is sold, the new owner is responsible for the remainder of those payments. But they also benefit from the energy savings already in place. It’s pretty much a guaranteed financial and energy savings for both the current and any future owners!
Minnie Sturr was thrilled to learn that her church and other non-profits are eligible for PACE financing. Lemmie Growcropps said he’d been wanting to add solar panels to his barn. With PACE financing, he could make it happen.
Despite the lousy cards, it turned out to be a great night for Dee after all. She’d learned how she could save money, have a more comfortable workplace, and reduce pollution emissions into the environment too. Now she’s able to keep pace with building a healthy world, here where we’re all forever… Earthbound.