Davey’s “Goliath” is a huge multimillion-dollar corporation. This ATC / ITC giant plans to run over him with a 120 mile long industrial-scale transmission line benignly named – Cardinal-Hickory Creek. This costly project would severely impact the culture and atmosphere that make him an exceptional place. If this project were truly needed, that would be one thing. But justifications for this monstrosity are crumbling as 21st century technology and efficiencies rapidly reinvent our energy generation and distribution systems. Could it be that ATC / ITC’s main motivation is to rake in the guaranteed 10% profit on a half-billion-dollar project?
When this corporate Goliath first reared its head, Davey was disorganized and vulnerable. But with a virtual alphabet soup of allies, D. Driftless has transformed himself from a weak push-over into a strapping, organized entity able to take on this hulking adversary. So what’s in this brawny alphabet broth?
Davey’s brew began with a foundation of SOUL providing local experience and expertise. Then he added a dollop of DD for energy and commitment. ELPC and DALC were carefully whisked in for expertise and endurance. A generous helping of IMEPC adds diversity, while healthy portions of WDPC and GCSC spice up the increasingly powerful concoction.
Amply fortified, Davey has given Goliath pause. No longer a weak push-over, Davey challenges this giant to prove to the public his proposal’s worth. But as the fallacies justifying ATC / ITC’s scheme become increasingly clear, the behemoth is scrambling to push his plan forward before the Driftless Area public grows too wary.
Our precious Driftless Area is not the place for a huge, outmoded infrastructure. More efficient, less expensive alternatives would provide a brighter future, here where we’re forever…Earthbound.
ATC / ITC – American Transmission Co. & ITC Midwest
DALC – Driftless Area Land Conservancy
DD – Driftless Defenders
ELPC – Environmental Law & Policy Center
GCSC – Grant County Steering Committee
IMEPC – Inter-Municipal Energy Planning Committee
SOUL – Save Our Unique Land
WDPC – Western Dane Preservation Campaign