“Justin, what can you tell us?”
“Well, Wanda, it was quite a ride! You may remember that 1601 was smack dab in the middle of the era known as the ‘Little Ice Age,’ and boy, did those folks have it rough. The frigid weather wreaked havoc mainly because of the disruption to farm harvests, ruining ways of life that had lasted for centuries. This caused panics, uprisings, food riots and rebellions. Famine and disease spread widely devastating many cultures. There was even a spike in witch trials. In that pre-scientific world, folks wanted to blame their troubles on someone, why not witches?
“Many indigenous peoples had it even worse. Not only were they being invaded by colonial powers but many of the crops they’d cultivated for thousands of years just didn’t thrive in the colder climate.
“But get this. All that misery was caused by a decrease of less than 1 degree (0.6% of a degree) Celsius. By that measure, in 2025, we’re swinging pretty wildly in the other direction. Now we’re about 1.4 degrees Celsius hotter than the long-term average. Hoo Boy! My journey taught me that it doesn’t take much of a global temperature swing to cause a lot of problems. We’re already seeing those problems after years of record-breaking temperatures. Think of the destruction from last year’s hurricanes and the crazy wildfires this year.”
That night, Wanda thought about the huge changes our continuing use of fossil fuels is making to our way of life, most of them aren’t so great. The thing is, we have the technology and capacity to make the shift to clean energy sources to limit further atmospheric warming. “All we need now,” she thought, “is the will to make it happen. Act NOW and we might be just in time to avoid too much further damage to our only home where we’re all forever… Earthbound.”