Ben On’Dagrid sparked to life in a coal-fired power plant. As an identical twin to trillions of his Wisconsin siblings, they filled about 90% of the state’s electrical needs. And Ben was having the time of his life! The instant he was born he hopped onto the grid flying hither and thither around the countryside. During one brief stop at a utility battery back-up substation, Ben heard workers complain about the continually rising electric rates. “Yup! They’re going up again, another 8.4% over the next two years,” one gal complained. “Gonna have to cough up a few hundred extra bucks each year just to keep the lights on! These increases just don’t quit!”
On the other hand, Rufus Top-Solarre, had never traveled. In fact, he’d never even left the Jones’ home where he’d been born in a rooftop solar panel. The instant Rufus blinked to life he caught one fleeting glimpse of his parent, the sun, and was immediately put to work in the Jones’ TV. His brief existence was just long enough for him to catch an evening news report.
“Good news from the International Energy Agency. Renewable energy capacity is growing and predicted to meet 35% of global needs by 2025,” the reporter stated. “Additionally, declining costs and rising module efficiencies have resulted in a rapid expansion of residential solar over the past two decades. In 2000, the typical home system was just 2.4kW (kilowatts); today, the average is 7.4kW. Module efficiency has almost doubled over that same period while the cost per watt to install solar has fallen by 75%! In Wisconsin for example, the typical installed solar panel costs $3.10/watt or $13,189 - $17,843 for a 5kW residential system. The average cost is $15,516. But, the federal 30% tax credit and Focus on Energy cash back awards cut that cost by 1/3 or more!”
“Wow,” Rufus reflected, “continually rising costs for utility-generated electricity and increasingly efficient and lower-than-ever costs for rooftop solar. Hmm… I don’t have brain, but this seems like a no-brainer. To reduce the pollution from coal-generated electricity, suitably-sited residences should install affordable solar. After all, our only home is right here where we’re all forever… Earthbound.”